Why investors are choosing Lombok over Bali

Lombok landscape for the article - Lombok over Bali

The Indonesian archipelago is famous for its beautiful beaches, lush landscapes, and rich culture, making it a popular destination for tourists and investors – who ask themselves, should I invest in Lombok over Bali?

Bali, also known as the ‘Island of the Gods,’ has traditionally been the most popular destination, attracting numerous visitors and investors annually. However, the trend is changing, and there is a significant shift as investors are increasingly choosing Lombok over Bali.

The shift is driven by various factors, including Lombok’s untapped potential, attractive government incentives, and a growing emphasis on sustainable development.

Let us explore the reasons behind this emerging trend.

Lombok’s Unexplored Potential

Lombok is an attractive destination for investors because of its unexplored potential. Unlike Bali, which has undergone extensive development, Lombok remains relatively untouched, offering ample opportunities for new ventures.

The island’s natural beauty and pristine beaches make it an ideal location for luxury resorts, eco-tourism projects, and residential developments. Lombok is like a blank canvas for investors, offering endless possibilities for innovative and sustainable growth.

Benang Stokel and Benang Kelambu Waterfalls

Government Initiatives and Incentives

The government of Indonesia recognizes the potential of Lombok and is encouraging investment in the region through various initiatives and incentives. The Mandalika Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is one such initiative. It is located on the south coast of Lombok and offers investors benefits such as tax breaks, eased land acquisition processes, and infrastructure support. These incentives make Lombok an increasingly attractive option for both domestic and international investors.

The Mandalika SEZ, in particular, helps investors in several ways. Tax breaks reduce their financial burden, while the simplified land acquisition process enables them to start their operations quickly. The government also provides infrastructure support to ensure that investors have access to reliable and efficient transportation, energy, and communication systems.

Lombok’s unique natural beauty, vibrant culture, and strategic location in Southeast Asia make it an excellent investment destination. The government’s active support is helping to transform Lombok into a hub for tourism and business activities in the region.

Another significant factor drawing investors to Lombok over Bali is the island’s focus on sustainable development. In contrast to Bali’s rapid and often uncontrolled growth, Lombok aims for a more balanced approach that prioritizes environmental conservation and community welfare. Projects that incorporate green technologies and sustainable architecture and contribute positively to the local economy are particularly encouraged. This sustainable development mission aligns with global investment trends and appeals to a growing segment of eco-conscious investors.

Kuta Mandalika sign

Emerging Tourism Market

Investors looking for new opportunities in the hospitality, leisure, and ancillary services sectors may find Lombok an attractive destination. Although Bali is already a well-known tourist spot, Lombok’s unique natural attractions, like Mount Rinjani, the Gili Islands, and Kuta Beach, are gradually gaining international recognition.

Lombok tourism industry is still developing, which means there is significant potential for growth. The government and private enterprises are committed to improving the island’s tourism infrastructure to welcome more visitors both from inside and outside the country. As the tourism industry grows, investors may see significant returns on their investment.

Hammock in Gili Islands - - things to do in lombok

Strategic Location and Accessibility

Lombok is becoming increasingly attractive to investors. This is due to the island’s advantageous location, situated close to Bali and Australia’s extensive market. To improve accessibility, the Lombok International Airport has recently been completed, and a bridge connecting Lombok and Bali is also in the planning stages.

These developments have created new opportunities for investment in Lombok’s tourism and real estate sectors. The island’s stunning natural beauty, including its white sandy beaches, clear waters, and lush green forests, make it an attractive destination for tourists.

Additionally, the Indonesian government has implemented policies that encourage foreign investment in the country’s tourism and real estate sectors, making Lombok a highly attractive prospect for investors.

Kuta Lombok and Kuta bali map


Investors are increasingly choosing Lombok over Bali, due to the untapped potential of the latter. Lombok enjoys favorable government incentives, an emphasis on sustainable development, an emerging tourism market, and a strategic location, which make it an attractive investment destination.

The island offers a unique blend of opportunities for innovative and forward-thinking investments that promise financial returns and contribute to its sustainable and inclusive growth. As we move forward, Lombok is well-positioned to emerge from Bali’s shadow and establish itself as a key player in Indonesia’s economic landscape.

FAQ – Investing in Lombok over Bali:

Why invest in Lombok?

Lombok is an island that offers a culturally enriching experience and affordable living expenses. It has become a popular choice for expats who work in the tourism industry. The government is focusing on improving the island’s infrastructure and connectivity to make it easier for people to live and do business on the island.

What makes Lombok an attractive investment destination in 2024?

The government’s dedication to developing infrastructure, along with policies that are favorable to foreign investors, has created an ideal environment for growth. With major cities experiencing saturation and increasing costs, Lombok, with its unspoiled beaches, lush landscapes, and cultural richness, offers a compelling alternative to Bali.

About Nour Estates

We started Nour Estates with a simple idea: to make finding your dream land in Lombok as easy and enjoyable as a day at the beach. Our team is a mix of local folks and people from around the world who fell in love with Lombok just like you. We’ve been in your shoes, faced the challenges of buying land here, and learned all the ins and outs. Now, we’re here to share that knowledge with you.

We are here to find you the perfect land to invest in. Contact us today, and let’s start this exciting journey together!

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